Wishlist - living room inspiration

Pinterest is a bad influence on me. After considering moving flat with Craig, Pinterest has been my go-to for inspiration. I do love a good home inspiration board, I think everyone who has a Pinterest account has one, so I don't feel too weird for browsing for hours on end. Everything in this wishlist is just perfect! I cannot wait to actually move (or buy, depending on how much we can save), and to find a nice open flat, with clean white walls and wooden floors. In fact, anything like Kate's flat would be ideal. She has a beautiful flat.

I will get my dream flat one day. Until then, Pinterest wishlists will do.

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  1. I love your picks! I've recently moved into a new house and I'm so excited looking at all the decor stuff.. I'm so obsessed with it! Pinterest is my best friend and worst enemy all rolled into one haha. Good luck with the move! x

    ellie etc | a personal style & lifestyle blog

  2. Love your choices, we have very similar tastes! Kate's flat is incredible, I'm constantly sending her blog posts to my boyfriend and telling him that this is what our home has to look like :)
    Megan x
    London Callings


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