happy new year!

Happy new year, guys! I can't believe it's already 2015, it seriously doesn't feel like a whole year has passed! I rang in the new year at the Street Party in Edinburgh city centre with Craig and a few friends, which was amazing. It's the first time I'd ever been to the street party and I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the fireworks! I've not made any resolutions this year, just set myself some mini goals that I'll be working towards, nothing resolute however. I have a separate post on what those are scheduled for later!

I've had the last two days off work and I decided that I was going to redo my blog a little bit in that time. It's the first time I've ever sat down and actually mapped out how I wanted it to look, colours and everything, usually I'll just open up photoshop and play about a bit until it sort of resembles a header or layout. Weird, I know. I like the look of it much better now, I decided that gold accents would be a good change of pace as usually I go for monochrome. Can't go wrong with a bit of pink too!

I'm hoping to redo a good bit of my blog, including post style, content and some of the pages are in dire need of updating, but I'll get around to that shortly. In the mean time, thanks for sticking around this past year, hopefully 2015 will be even better!

thank you for reading!
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1 comment

  1. I absolutely love this new blog look Kirsty, it's so pretty! :)
    Amy x | A Little Boat Sailing


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