a refresh in my skin care

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Over the last few months I have been in a kind of skin slump. I am a nightmare for having pretty bad combination skin and annoying spots. I have oily skin around the corners of my nose, an oily chin and an oily patch between my brows. Combine that with a dry forehead and dry cheeks, too. I can't wait for the day when my body realises that I'm adult (cough) and will give me my glorious, clear, adult complexion. Until that day, I'm stuck with my teenager-just-starting-puberty skin. To try and combat this, I thought I'd invest in a better skin care routine. Right now I just sort of pick up a random face wash while I'm food shopping and hope for the best. It's obviously not the best thing to do, but it does the trick of actually cleaning my face, which is what a face wash is supposed to do, right?

The five products above have helped my skin gloriously. Although I still get the occasional spot / blemish, probably because I eat rubbish food, it has drastically decreased those little spots popping up. I absolutely adore Liz Earle products, and the Cleanse and Polish has been a firm staple of mine for around two years. As it is quite pricey, I tend to only buy it once every few months. The fact that this bottle/tube is absolutely huge makes it lasts ages anyway, so no complaints here! There are two Origins products pictured; One is the Drink Up Intensive over night mask and the other is the GinZing moisturiser. Origins is again, another pricey brand, but as their stuff is amazing, I quite happily pay the higher price. They're not as organic as they let on, but it's not enough to put me off their products.

The over night mask I use two to three times a week before bed, which makes my face smell amazing it also helps hugely with any dry patches on my forehead and cheeks. You only need the tiniest amount of this stuff for your whole face, I'm talking pea-sized, any more than that will just feel sticky. I use the GinZing moisturiser after I cleanse my face in the morning and I use a teeny amount at night only on my dry patches. It smells all orangey citrus and amazing!

There are also two Lush products pictured, Grease Lightning and Mint Julips, another two staple favourites. I swear by Grease Lightning, putting the tiniest amount on any spots I have and it makes them vanish within the day. I don't know how it works, all I know is that it's tingly when you put it on and it smells totally familiar, but I cannot place the smell! - if anyone could help me figure out what it smells like, that'd be great, haha. Mint Julips is also my all time favourite lip scrub, I go through a tub every month or so. I'd be pretty distraught if Lush ever stopped make it to be honest.

I plan on doing a before an after shot of using these products for one month, to see the difference in my skin. I so excited to actually see the results!

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a miniature primark haul

I love looking at other people's Primark hauls, whether it's a short blog post or a massive video on youtube. Primark doesn't have all it's stock displayed online, so it's nice to see what other people have managed to pick up! This is quite a small collection of purchased items to be honest, much much smaller than the usual amount I buy on payday by a long shot. But, given that I'm saving for a new flat (or at least trying to) I didn't spend my usual £150 odd. Everything in the above photos came to around £40!

Lately I seem to be really into buying t-shirts, especially if they have characters or slogans on them. I walked into the store and instantly spied the Friends one, so naturally it was placed into my basket. I picked up the other two tees a few minutes after, they had a whole bunch of other ones like it, white t-shirts with sayings on them kind of thing. I have a small collection of tops like that now so I'm just adding to the pile. I might do a mini post with them all pictured next to each other just so you can see how many similar white tops I have!

After wandering around the clothes, I went upstairs to the pyjamas and jewellery section. It was fairly busy so I didn't spend too much time looking at everything. I chose this set of rings, mainly for the teardrop shaped blue one! The necklaces were being restocked and the display was kind of messy so I couldn't see much. I did find this beautiful blue stone triangle necklace. It's quite small, smaller than the photo makes it look actually. I picked up the other set of necklaces really only for the crystal one at the bottom, it's lovely!

Last but not least, I can't go into Primark and not buy new jammies and the blue floral ones are so comfy and soft. I'm currently wearing them as I type this...

I also finally got my new contacts after weeks of them being specially made, so I'll be able to show my face on here a lot more, you lucky people. /sarcasm

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